Cuba Demo Read Me Thank you for downloading the A-10 Attack! Outpost Cuba Demo. This ‘Read Me’ file tells you how to play the game as well as giving System requirements and keyboard commands. Key Commands: 1 Forward View 2 Look Down 3 Chase 4 Friendly View 5 Enemy View 6 Tower View 7 Weapon View 9 HUD Rotate Left 0 HUD Rotate Right a Autopilot On/Off b Barometric Altimeter In HUD c Cannon Fire Rate Hi/Low d Flaps Up e ECM On/Off f Flaps Down g Gear Up/Down h RWR Hands Off (Select Next RWR Target) L Cockpit Lights On/Off m Master Arm On/Off n Time Increase by 15mins N Time Decrease by 15mins rr Quick Rear View riNN Ripple Interval x 10ms rcNN Ripple Count rqNN Same as Above (rcNN) rmj Release Mode selective jettison rmp Release Mode PRS rmrp Release Mode RIP PRS rmrs Release Mode RIP SGL rms Release Mode SGL s SAS t Tacan On/Off w Next Waypoint x Right Fire Extinguisher z Left Fire Extinguisher Fn Select Station (Function Keys) F12 or clear Clear All Stations ; Release Chaff ' Release Flares , Left Rudder . Right Rudder / Cancel Rudder ] Nose Trim Down [ Nose Trim Up SHFT-] Rudder Trim Right SHFT-[ Rudder Trim Left \ Cancel All Trim = Throttle Up - Throttle Down SHFT-= Throttle Maximum SHFT-- Throttle Minimum SPC Brakes/Speed Brakes RET Target Designate/Weapons Release DEL Target Deselect TAB Select Next Target In HUD ESC Tactical Map (in Demo, return to Main Manu) Clear Clear All Stations kpd-= Select Station 10 kpd-/ Select Station 11 kpd-* MFD Off kpd-- MFD Damage kpd-+ MFD TV kpd-Enter Target Designate/Weapons Release kpd-1 thru 9 Select Station N kpd-0 Shoot Gun Page Up HUD Intensity Up Page Down HUD Intensity Down System Requirements: A-10 Attack! Outpost Cuba demo runs native on any PowerPC based Macintosh or 040 Macintosh, with System 7.0 or later, 4000k free memory, and 256 colors. We recommend at least a 60Mhz 601 Power Macintosh or faster, with 4Mb of free RAM and System 7.1. This will allow you to play without compromising on speed. Using the Demo: After installing the software on your hard drive, double click on the Demo application file. Two start-up screens appear as the software loads, while you relax to the soothing classical guitar which plays in the background. To select one of the options listed on the Main Menu click on the appropriate button. The five options are described below: I. Self Running Demo This option is completely automated, so just sit back and enjoy the action as an air battle takes place in the skies above Guantanamo, while forces battle it out on the ground. To return to the Main Menu, press the ‘Esc’ key. II. Heavy Metal This option will place you directly in the cockpit of an A-10 at the hold line on the main runway at Guantanamo. There is a Cuban Air patrol in the North East sector of the base. Take off and destroy the Patrol. You have no fighter support. Watch out for the C-5’s. III. Smoke 'em' This option will place you directly in the cockpit of an A-10 lined up on the main runway at Guantanamo. The Cuban forces are attacking your base by air and land. Take off and fly North to help your M1-A1 tanks destroy the Cuban forces using your 2000lb Mk-84 iron bombs and GAU-8/A Cannon. There are MiG’s in the area, but two F-16 Fighters aircraft will try to keep them at bay while you provide close air support for your land-based forces. IV. Preferences This option will take you to the two ‘Preference’ windows. Choose your options and press ‘OK’ to return to the Main Menu. Toggle some ‘Detail’ preferences to off on slower machines to increase performance. V. Quit This option will Quit the Demo and return you to the Finder. Supported Flight Devices: Mouse/Keyboard Keyboard MacFly Thrustmaster FlightStick Pro MouseStick II Welcome to the Cockpit: A First Time Guide to Taking Off. Now you are in the Cockpit, push the ‘down’ cursor key on the keyboard, you are now looking down at the instrument panel. If you hold the ‘Option’ key down you will see a cursor appear on the screen. Move the cursor using the mouse to the Engine Start button, which is located in the middle bottom of the Instrument panel. Click. The Engines have now started. When holding down the ‘Option’ key for temporary cursor change or activate the ‘Caps Lock’ key for a more permanent change, moving over different buttons will cause the cursor to change from the Arrow to the Hand. Take some time here to experiment with the different button options, how they move and what changes they cause. Now press the UP arrow key on your Keyboard and you will now be looking straight ahead. Before you increase the power to the Engines, Press the Number ‘3’ key and you will be transported to the ‘Chase Mode’. In this mode, you will be able to navigate around your A-10 using the cursor keys. Also if you press down the ‘Shift’ key at the same time as using the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ cursor keys, you will be able to Zoom in and out. These controls can be used in the Tower mode and Weapon Mode as well (Press the number ‘6’ for Tower and ‘7’ for Weapon. While you are in ‘Chase’ mode, move your mouse and watch the flaps move up and down. Now press the number ‘1’ key to return to the Cockpit and now press the ‘+’ key to increase the power to 100%. Press the ‘F’ key to set the flaps to 10% (the greater the armament load, the larger the flap setting required) and when the speed has reached 150knts you will be able to pull the nose up. Once off the ground, press the ‘G’ key to retract the landing gear and then press ‘D’ key to retract the flaps. Now you're FLYING! Tips: When you have died, or you wish to end the current Mission, press the ‘Esc’ key and you will be returned to the Main Menu. Never place any files from the Cuba Demo into any other A-10 Attack! 1.x Folder, or place any A-10 Attack! 1.x files into the Demo Folder. Neither the Demo, nor A-10 Attack! 1.x will function correctly. The Real Thing: The full version of A-10 Attack! is available now. Here is a partial feature set to drool over: • Two 40,000 sq. mile theatres of operation (Arizona & Germany) • Multiple missions in each theatre • Virtual Battlefield Environment (VBE) - watch out for future land, sea & air plug-in modules which interact in the same theater of operations. • Fully-featured tactical map mode with control over an entire Warthog squadron • Support for 13, 16, 19, & 21 inch monitors • Realistic rolling and negative terrain (i.e. mountains, canyons, etc.) • Terrain masking for Radar and Visual Line-of-Sight • 20+ accurately modeled weapon systems (e.g. lifting body aerodynamics are calculated for the laser-guided bombs) • Rigid body physics modeling for the most realistic flight and object simulation on any PC Outpost Cuba will be released in Dec ’95. For more information call or write to us at: ParSoft International 101 W. Renner Road, Suite 430 Richardson, TX 75082 Tel: (214) 479-1340 Fax: (214) 479-0853 or call your favorite mail order or retail outlet for availability and pricing.